Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (TEVTA) was established in 1999 through an Ordinance (XXIV of 1999) and further TEVTA was strengthened through an Act in 2010 as a Special Institution.
TEVTA Punjab, the largest Skill Provider in Pakistan, is empowering youth with employable skills
TEVTA Punjab, offers variety of skills training programs in 18 sectors of the economy
TEVTA Service Centres
TEVTA Service Centres have been established in relevant industrial cluster of Leather, Metal, Ceramics, Woodworking, Textile & Agriculture. With a prime objective of encouraging industrialization and creating economic opportunities, these centres are highly recognized for cluster specific training programs, common facility services and advisory services.
Our Uniqueness
Our training programs provide real time production exposure in unique & most demanded skills, ranging from 3 months to 36 months on the latest and sophisticated machinary with highly committed faculty.
Our common facility services are source of facilitation to the small & medium enterprises and weaker industrial setups for value addition of their products through sharing of our cutting edge technology.
Our adivsory services are notable for providing solutions as per best international practices to the entrepreneurs and the industry for upgrading their infrastructure & value addition of their products.
With highly demanded diversified skills in real time production environment.
Through Common Facility Services & Advisory Services for upgrading value chain of Industry.